Ways you can help
Whether it’s a monthly contribution, or just once in a while, your funding allows us to purchase menstrual and other hygiene products needed by underserved communities.
If you prefer, shop directly from our Amazon Wishlist to contribute to Period Equity.
Drop Off
Drop off new unopened products at our Drop-Off Center at First Baptist Church during normal business hours Monday-Friday.
Contact us
Are you interested in helping us get hygiene products to those in need? Your group can sponsor a collection drive, or to volunteer. Contact us at prideamongdaughtersandsisters@gmail.com to learn more.
Our Valued Partners
Pride Among Daughters and Sisters is proud to partner in the fight to end period poverty. We could not do this work without the generous support of Cleveland's nonprofit network. Interest in contributing your organization's time, talent, or treasures to the cause? Reach out to Delesia Robinson.
Join the Movement
For period equity
Having a period is a financial burden, from the literal cost of acquiring hygiene products to the secondary costs inherent in the medical, educational, and social toll it takes.
Basic access to suitable products is something many people take for granted, but “Period Poverty” is a real issue for some. You can be responsible for breaking the cycle and creating Period Equity by contributing now.